Belgian Ceramic Society

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The Belgian Ceramic Society (BCerS) is a Belgian learned society of scientists and manufacturers from the ceramics sector. Founded in 1929, it has its present name, Belgian Ceramic Society, since 1988.

The ceramics definition is wide and includes all non-metallic inorganic materials such as glasses, cements, refractory, as well as polycrystalline ceramics.

The BCerS organises and/or sponsors national and international conferences; it also sustained the organization of scientific events (ECerS 2001, ISN'IT 1997) and is at the origin of some others (Electroceramics, Shaping).

The BCerS is one of the founding members of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS) for which it provides the permanent secretariat as well as the management of the JECS Trust.

A "Student Speech Contest" is organized every two years during the BCerS Annual Meeting. The winner of this contest represents Belgium to the ECerS Student Speech Contest.

A contest, the "Best Ph.D. Thesis" in the field of ceramics materials has been launched in 2011.


Members of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS)


2025 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Ceramic Society

The next Annual Meeting will be held on 26th May 2025. All information here !

Learn more

About us

The Belgian Ceramic Society (BCerS)


We are a Belgian learned society of scientists and manufacturers from the ceramics sector.

Contact us

+32 (0)65/40 34 38

Avenue Gouverneur Cornez, 4

B-7000 MONS


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