The 2024 BCerS Annual Meeting took place on 23rd May at the University of Liège.
The program of this day has started by the presentation of our Invited Speaker, David Grossin from CIRIMAT-ENSIACET Toulouse, entitled : “Additive manufacturing of bioceramics : Advances, challenges and outlook”.
It was followed by the Student Speech Contest. The 2024 Winner is Damien Coibion, from the University of Liège, with his presentation titled : “Bovine bones as raw material for biomedical application by additive manufacturing”.
We would like to thank the other candidates for their great presentation, Mia Kovac and Muthusundar Kumar from KU Leuven and the University of Mons respectively. A big thank you to our international jury composed of Dr. Stefan Pfeiffer (DKG, Germany), Dr. Carmen Munoz Ferreiro (Orbital Paradigm, Spain) and Dr. Jacques Rennotte (BCRC, Belgium).
After this Contest, 6 oral presentations were done :
- Dominique Hautcoeur from BCRC
- Carmen Munoz Ferreiro from Orbital Paradigm
- Franklin Casarrubios from the University of Mons
- Bao Ta from the University of Liège
- Stéphane Hocquet from BCRC
- Samanwitha Kolli from VITO/KU Leuven
12 posters were presented during this meeting. You can find the book of abstracts here.
The visit of the GreenMat Laboratory closed this Annual Meeting.
Thank you to the 43 participants and specially the local Organizers, Nicolas Somers and Bénédicte Vertruyen!