Several oral presentations were planned, while ample time was scheduled for networking, poster and table top presentations.
Overview of the program:
10:00 - Registration, coffee, tea
10:40-10:50 - Diletta Giuntini (Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e): Welcome plus "Advanced ceramics research at TU/e"
10:50-11:10 - Ozge Akbulut (Sabanci University, Turkiye), “Self-standing SiAlON doughs facilitate low-volume production through green machining”
11:10-11:25 - Tim Herrmann (WZR ceramic solutions GmbH, Germany), “Overview of different additive manufacturing processes at WZR”
11:25-11:40 - Pablo Gonzalez (R&D Manager CoorsTek EMEA), “Advanced manufacturing of near-net shape ceramic products”
11:40-11:55 - Firat Altınbaş (Inorganic Membranes, University of Twente), “Grafting ceramic supports for creating hydrophobic surfaces”
11:55-12:10 - Harpreet Sondhi (Inorganic Membranes, University of Twente), “Molecular layer deposition modified pore size and hydrophobicity of ceramic membranes for nanofiltration”
12:10-13:30 - Lunch / posters / table top presentations
13:30-13:45 - Farid Salari (Concr3de), Introduction to YCN plus “Optimizing of binder jetting 3D printing process parameters in materials produced without tooling”
13:45-14:05 - Nicolas Somers (ULiège), “GREEnMat (ULiège): Your academic partner for applied research on materials for energy, environment & health applications”
14:05-14:20 - Zhenhong Xue (Surface and Interface Engineered Materials, KU Leuven), “Template-free and size-controlled synthesis of rod-like zirconia via co-solvent systems”
14:20-14:35 - Enrique Juste (Belgian Ceramic Research Centre BCRC, Mons), “Additive manufacturing of ceramics by Binder Jetting and PAM: towards a hybrid approach”
14:35-15:00 - Coffee/tea break / posters / table top presentations
15:00-15:15 - Omid Hajishirmohammadi (4 OMID BV), “Ceramic CATs: Opening new market opportunities in sustainable construction”
15:15-15:35 - Berfu Göksel (Faculty of Engineering Science, KU Leuven), “Additive manufacturing of multimaterial ATZ and 3Y-TZP parts for implant applications”
15:35-15:50 - Zerafet ten Wolde (Z3DLabs), “From mm to micron: 3D-printing innovations with advanced ceramics”
15:50-16:05 - Nienke de Roode (Access2bone), “Solution for long bone non-unions: Looking for structural support for our active ingredient”
16:05-… - Lab tour plus subsequent drinks/snacks/networking
Table top presentations:
- Anton Paar, Breda (NL)
- Benelux Scientific, Ede (NL)
- Schaeffler Aerosint, Herstal (B)
- SKF Research and Technology Development, Houten (NL)
Poster presentations:
- Jiongjie Liu, Anne C.A.M. Timmermans, Diletta Giuntini (Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e), “Additive manufacturing of polymer-derived ceramics with multiscale architectures”
- Cong Yan (TU/e), “Mechanical characterization of ceramic-organic supercrystalline nanocomposites by nanoindentation”
- Darya Farrokhnemoun, Jozef Vleugels, Bart Van Meerbeek, Annabel Braem, KU Leuven, “Optimizing UV-assisted direct ink writing for ceria-stabilized zirconia ceramics in dental restorations”
- Mathieu Chabanel, Sooraj Shiby, Balasubramanian Nagarajan, Sylvie Castagne (Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven), “Studying the effect of temporal energy deposition of fs laser pulse for crack-free machining of ceramics”
- Anne Timmermans (Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e), “Experimental and numerical analysis of the sintering behavior of multi-layer membranes”
- Muthusundar Kumar (Laboratory of Polymeric and Composite Materials, University of Mons), “Low-temperature breakthrough: Progressing the consolidation of hydroxyapatite and polymer composites through cold sintering”
- Harpreet Sondhi (Inorganic Membranes, University of Twente), “Tailoring pore size and surface hydrophobicity in ceramic membranes: The case of MLD-grown titatnicone layers”
- Firat Altınbaş, Arian Nijmeijer, Jurriaan Huskens, Mieke Luiten-Olieman, Marie-Alix Pizzoccaro-Zilamy (Inorganic Membranes, University of Twente), “Design of macroporous hydrophobic ceramic membranes for water desalination applications”