Flemish Institute for Technological Research – Coating And Shaping Technologies
Research and development on shaping and coating of advanced materials
Director : Dirk Fransaer
Phone : +32 14 32 55 11
Address : Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium
Website : www.vito.be
Research topics :
- Ceramic coatings and functionalisation: spray coating, dip coating, washcoating, …
Contact information: dr. ir. Marijke Jacobs - +32 14 33 57 19 - marijke.jacobs@vito.be - Porous ceramic and metal structures: 3D micro-extrusion, foams, gelcasting, …
Contact information: dr. Steven Mullens - +32 14 33 56 68 - steven.mullens@vito.be - Granulation and microsphere synthesis: spray drying, gravitational and vibrational droplet coagulation, intensive mixing, core shell particles, …
Contact information: dr. Bart Michielsen - +32 14 33 56 67 - bart.michielsen@vito.be - Battery materials: coatings, production of electrodes, coin cell assembly, battery testing,..
Contact information: dr. Annick Vanhulsel - +32 14 33 56 19 - annick.vanhulsel@vito.be
Exceptional facilities :
- 3D micro-extrusion (lab and pilot installation), vibrational and gravitational droplet coagulation, spray drying plant, cold isostatic press, Eirich mixer, spray and dip coater, high-temperature high-pressure graphite sintering furnace, atmospheric plasma coating equipment, battery assembly and testing facilities ….
Financial support programmes :
- European funding: H2020, Interreg
- Regional fundings: FWO
- National fundings